
Good decision making in three words:

Be attentively curious.


Curiosity is about asking questions.

Attention - according to neuroscientists - is about suppressing distractions rather than enhancing what you're paying attention to.

It's all about the Widget.


Remember the Five Steps.

Step 1: Step Back. Indulge in the distractions. Don't suppress them. Romp in all the feelings and irrational thoughts that won't get the Widget built but that are distracting you from doing so. Be selfish. Purge. Be human. Be yourself.

Step 2: Identify the Issue. Return to the Widget. Start earning your pay. Start asking questions.

Step 3: Assess the Information. Data. Policies. Logic. Cool. Questions.

Step 4: Identify Bias. Am I being distracted by something irrelevant to the Widget? Questions.

Step 5: Give a Hearing. Hey! Affected person! Proof read this! Have I missed anything? Questions.

Questions suppress distractions by forcing us to listen to answers - and by zooming in on the parts of the answers that are Widget relevant.

Make the Decision. Become who you are.

Remove the distractions from everyone who's relying on the decision so that they can do their jobs.

It's called Leadership.



