Executive Professional Development

“Schools don’t know what we don’t know ....”

— K-12 Executive Leader

Equip your executive, middle, and aspiring leaders with the confidence that comes from knowing and applying their legal authority in decision making to transform your school.

Your staff and students are unwitting victims of your excellence.

As your community struggles with the complexities of 2020s living, more responsibility for children and young people shifts onto your shoulders. The decline of the bank manager, local doctor, extended family, and faith communities leaves your school as the last stable and trusted institution. Society looks to you to fill the gaps.

Family conflict spills into your office. Your compliance burden increases. Your staff grow wearier with the stress..

You know something needs to change. You need support to know what, and how to lead it.

Before your leadership training, lay a foundation of clear, actionable understanding of your legal authority.

“Principals and teachers know much more than you think you know about how things should be - and could be in the future.”

— Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Educational Leadership

I’ve spent over a decade helping Principals and their leadership teams recognise and apply your lawful authority to resolve upstream issues and reduce downstream consequences. Restoring your confidence to teach.

Changing your school culture begins with your leadership team using the tools the Law gives you.

The Executive Suite gives your leaders practical ways to exercise legal sources of decision making authority.

The Executive Suite

  • Defining Reality

    Objective: Identify, Interpret, and Apply Sources of School Authority.

    • Recognise the sources of authority supporting decision making.

    • Identify Principal – Parent boundary.

    • Address parent boundary transgressions.

    • Interpret the relevance of court orders to school decision making.

  • Complaint Resolution.

    Objective: Resolve disputes and complaints in students’ best interests in service of continuous improvement.

    • Apply complaint processes.

    • Define when a complaint is resolved.

    • Identify external complaint authorities and processes.

    • Restore relationships post-complaint.

  • Information Stewardship

    Objective: Handle information lawfully.

    • Respond to information access requests.

    • Identify student rights to information.

    • Resolve split parent informadion disputes.

    • Apply stewardship of student videos and photographs.

  • Case Study - Social Media

    A parent complains her child was bullied on social media. She demands you act.

  • Case Study - Alleged Assault

    A Year 12 student alleges a student sexually assaulted her. She won’t make a police report.

  • Case Study - Your Choice

    Nominate a case study from your school or a hypothetical for us to discuss and resolve.