Good Decision Making

"The Good Decision Making Workshop was one of the most impressive professional development sessions I've attended. I highly recommend it to all leaders, managers, and their teams.” - Professor Tony Travaglione PhD

The Decision is the basic building block of any enterprise.


  • Plan

  • Action

  • Project

  • Change

  • Mission

  • Vision

is the result of Decisions.

If we get our decisions right - everything follows.

Yet no-one teaches us:

  • what is a good decision?

  • how do we make it?

  • how do we know when we've made it?

  • what do we do next?

A good decision is one that advances you towards where you want to be.

How do I know where I want to be:

  • Professionally?

  • Personally?

Good decision making is a deliberate process of inquiry that advances you towards where you want to be.

The Good Decision Making Workshop takes you through the Five Steps to a Good Decision.

A person becomes a leader by making good decisions that someone else chooses to follow.

If you think long enough about almost every problem in your organisation - you will discover that the solution is to develop good decision making.

Good Decision Making is the key to:

  • Leadership

  • Creativity

  • Innovation

  • Good Governance

  • Teamwork

  • Complaint Management

  • Conflict Resolution

Good Decision Making Workshops are tailored for you. They give your existing and aspiring leaders and managers the confidence and skills to get work done through teams with clarity about what good work looks like.

“Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. It needs to be taught explicitly to everyone in organisations that are based on knowledge.”

— Peter Drucker