Widget Thinking
Widget Thinking uses a metaphor to give clarity to our decisions.
It is the foundation of good decision making.
Our decision should serve some outcome - which is our Widget.
For example, people can be dissatisfied at work because they assume their boss’s Widget must serve their Widget. It helps to clarify and differentiate between Widgets.
Your Weekday Widget
This is what you agreed to create at work in return for a salary.
If your workplace was a factory, you add this on the assembly line.
You create this - and your employer pays you.
Your Boss's Widget
This is what your boss is paid to create.
Your widget helps your boss to create her widget.
Your boss's widget relies on your widget.
Your Employer's Widget
This is what your employer creates.
If your workplace was a factory, this comes off the assembly line.
It's the end product of lots of widgets including yours.
Your Weekend Widget
This is what you are able to do because you work and make widgets and get paid.
It’s the reason you work.
The Widget gives us a language we use to discuss good decision making in workshops. Widget clarity helps identify what makes a good decision.
Your Cosmic Widget
This is what you believe gives your life meaning and is a higher purpose you serve.
If you are a person of faith, identifying your Comsic Widget is easy.