
In Ancient Rome, the Anteambulo was an artist or writer who, in return for support by their patron, walked ahead of them and cleared their boss’s way - either literally or by communicating their boss’s approach or intent.

There’s a lot written about the role of the leader - clearing the way for followers.

We should pay more attention to the valuable and under-appreciated work of the anteambulos in organisations.

It’s not easy paving a path for a boss without the boss’s positional power.

The anteambulos in organisations attract snipes from those who are either jealous of their relationship with the boss, or assume the anteambulo purports to assume the power and status of the boss - which some do. The anteambulo can unwittingly be like the boss’s body double: drawing fire from those too cowardly to take on the boss.

I for one appeal to the United Nations for an International Anteambulo Day.


The Defining Tragedy.


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