Why are You Surprised?

Why are you surprised? Shocked? Confused? Angry? Disappointed? Disorientated?

You chose Leadership. You wanted to Lead. You wanted to take people to where they otherwise wouldn’t have gone.

Did you consider and prepare for the implications?

The people in charge who heard you say: ‘Their direction they took you is wrong. Mine is right. Follow me instead!’

What made you think they’d just respond with: ‘Sure! We concede we failed! We’ll step aside and let you take over!’

The people meant to follow who heard you say: ‘You’ve followed the wrong people. You’ve wasted your time. Trust me instead!’

The virgin territory you’ve set forth upon - without a path or signs or anyone ahead beckoning you forward.

The snagging thickets of dissent, sabotage, discontent, fear, jealousy, and sheer incompetence fetter your progress and tear at your smooth, delicate follower-skin and heart, unblemished by the toil of leading.

Leadership is hard.




That’s It.