Two Maps.

Imagine you’re consulting a map covering terrain you’re about to walk.

It consists only of tracks, paths, topographical features and other information you’ve recorded, either on past journeys or from books and accounts of other travellers.

You’re embarking on the journey with another, who also has a map.

Wouldn’t it make sense to show them your map, and invite them to fill in any missing detail from theirs? After all, you’re both going on the same journey.

Yet how often has someone in your organisation - an employer, or supervisor, or even a peer - made a decision affecting you, which means it affects them, without consulting with you? Without checking their assumptions with yours, to identify any gaps and potentially fill them before setting forth?

The Law calls that Procedural Fairness.

I call that Step 4: Give a Hearing.

You might call it Common Sense.


Presence or Observer.


The Uncanny Valley of Positional Power.