The Pretender.
There is a type of immature leader who plays at being what they think a leader does. It’s usually a mix of condescending authoritarianism with a benevolent bone thrown to the followers now and then.
They drape themselves in the uniform of some unearned virtue, and watch themselves mirrored in the wide eyes of the handful of sycophants. Their fawning is good enough for the pretender to conclude they are an effective leader.
And thus the pretender-leader plays the imitation of themselves in constant production. They recite their soliloquy on stage to the applause of the sycophants, lighting and sound kept in working order by the quiet, invisible competent few stagehands.
Meanwhile, the sycophants patiently wait as understudies - ready to be rewarded by their ‘leader’ and continue the incompetence for another generation.