The Five Steps.

Step 1: Step Back

[In our head]: What did I do to deserve this? Why are people so stupid? Why am I working here? Why aren't I paid more? Why aren't I lying on a beach somewhere? Why don't I quit and write a novel? Why don't people listen? Why do I keep getting let down? Why didn't I make myself clear? What did I do wrong? Who can I blame? What If I'm to blame? Am I any good? Do people take me seriously? Can I put up with this any more? Why didn't I get enough hugs as a child?

Step 2: Define the Issue

What’s my Widget? What’s my boss’s Widget? What does my boss want me to do? Do I have the power to make that decision? If not - who does?

Step 3: Assess the Information

What policies do we have relating to the information that I have? Do I need to get more information? Who might have that information?

Step 4: Check for Bias.

How am I feeling about this information? Am I able to make a decision that serves my Widget? Is there something that's distracting me from that outcome? Do I have a personal interest in the outcome that may be at odds with my Widget?

Am I open to persuasion? Do I have a prejudgement that the evidence can change? Is there any lingering remnant of personal angst I didn’t shed in Step 1 that means I need to step back again or pass the decision onto someone else? Am I open to the better argument?

Step 5: Give a Hearing

Who might be adversely affected by my decision? Who has a stake in it professionally such that their perspective may help me?


The New Boss.

