
'For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure.'

- Emerson


Creativity is bringing something new into the world. 

Ideas. Suggestions. Alternatives. Inventions. New information.


The organisation does not like this. 

Egos do not like this. 

Your next meeting will not like this.  

Those at the table will hear:

'Your technology is outdated. Your seat at the table is under threat.' 

'What you knew is about to become redundant. Draw swords. Defend what you know! Charge!'


In the face of this the creator must choose:


Or Rebellion. 


Most of us choose Retreat.

Every single day. Every meeting where we don't speak. Every honest conversation that we don't have. Every idea that we don't put forward.

No point fighting the boss.

(That's why organisations call it 'Engagement'. It's combat.)

White flags fluttering from every cubicle and office.

We're not engaged at work because we can't be bothered fighting.

We remain in our barracks and polish our boots and share stories about the last war. Rising occasionally to jealously discharge a sniper round at a passing Rebel.


While the Rebel Few bravely advance with their ideas, suggestions, alternatives, inventions, new information.

Civil war breaks out between the forces of Is and Could Be.  

Charging beneath their banners coloured My Opinion and Your Opinion.

The original idea, suggestion, alternative, invention, information that ignited the war- is forgotten.

(Who shot the Archduke and why? No-one remembers. We honour the combatants of the Great War that followed.)


The organisation's rules, policies, hierarchies, performance reviews, promotions, compliance, accountability, value statements and reserved parking bays are like unguarded minefields.

Mostly maiming the Rebels.




