
If I write a good job description for you.

If I write a good job ad for you.

If I write good questions for your job interview and write down the ones you ask back.

If I write to your last boss and ask her if you make good Widgets.

If I write a good employment contract for you.

If I write good policies for you.


If I teach you a good job induction.

If I teach you about my Widget.

If I teach you how your Widget fits into my Widget.

If I teach you with feedback and a pay cheque.

If I get out of your way.

If I Do all of this for everyone who you rely on to help you to Do your job.

If - after you Do it - I say:

Thank you.

If I keep Doing for you all I said that I would Do.

I'd have done my job.

And you'll go on Doing yours.


You don't need to be managed or led.

You just need to be left to Do.


We don't need more leaders or managers.

We need more Writers and Teachers.

We need more Doers.



