If We Stay Here We Die

I am a verb.

- Ulysees S Grant

Every action movie has a pivotal scene when the crouching hero turns to the gaggle of people cowering frozen behind them and says:

‘If we stay here, we die.’

A good decision is one that advances you towards where you want to be. It moves the plot of your life along.

Each decision you make is a verb - an action word.

It forces you to break the cover of the nouns and bound into the open shouting:

‘Here I am. This is what I think and believe. Come and get me!’

So expect them to. You know you’re advancing if you’re drawing fire. So don’t be surprised or complain.

No matter what occurs, no matter how it turns out, you will know:

I did this!

It didn’t happen to me.

I made it happen!



