One Leader is One Too Many.

'It is easy to derail an expert and ruin their performance. All that you have to do is force them to follow the rules.'

- Andy Hunt, Pragmatic Thinking and Learning


We write the job advertisement.

An invitation.

Sparkling with carefully crafted words of seduction.

'Come! Work with us!'

'We want you to bring your best self and help us to be better!'

You accept the invitation.

'I offer my Best Self to you.'

We choose you. That Best Self.


Seduction becomes Induction.

Rules, policies, values, visions, missions, hierarchies, teams, codes, reviews.

We overwhelm You and turn You into Us. Into a Team Player.

Left!...Left!..Left, Right, Left!


Another job advertisement.

'We need Innovators!'

'We need Leaders!'



Opinion is Currency.


Do Your Job.