'Once you surrender the idea of intrinsic, objective value, you start asking the question “if the value isn’t in there, where does it come from?” It’s obviously from the transaction: it’s the product of the quality of a relationship between me, the observer, and something else. So how is that relationship stimulated, enriched, given value? By creating an atmosphere of confidence where I am ready to engage with and perhaps surrender to the world it suggests.'

- Brian Eno


The information thuds onto our desk.

It lies there. Inanimate. Markings on paper. Pixels on glass.

We breathe in - and exhale our spirit into it.

We give it life.

We name it:

Complaint. Criticism. Appeal. Escalation. Grievance. Demand. 

Or we name it:

Feedback. Evaluation. Comment. Test. Observation. Assessment. Question. Gift.

The actions that we take in response to the information and its relationship to our Widget are what gives it value. We need to engage with it with the eagerness and curiosity that serve our Widget - not our ego.

We need to be brave enough to surrender our understanding of the world for a new one.

If we are all these things - then we invite more thuds upon our desks.



